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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0192c58a.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-06  |  200KB  |  617x499  |  8-bit (252 colors)
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OCR: THE Money 0. SUPERIOR FUNDS FO Even our risk. -adjusted winners couldn't hide from November's grumpy market: all 10 Jof our recommended stock funds Iost money fort the month. though cach nisstill upstrongh for the vcar SoGcn Intcrnational fared bes: of onlyhalfa point % orlossiaDec.1 1991 mirum On OBR FIY 10 Initia STOCKS (ranked by lre-year retum] TOP wear: yaars sales cIrp Telepho GROWTH FnU Twenly Max (3.0) 50.3 32. ManE CQ8 625 8983 AlM Welngarter Gro 31.5 118.3 470.7 5.5 800 347-1919 Nicholasll SCG {1.2} 37.2 76.8 None 414-272-5133 SoGen Intornatioral Gro 0.5) 15.5 73.8 371.3 3.75 800-334-2143 TOTAI RETURN Financial Indastrial lIncome Eo (3.2} 35.3 0'E01 455.1 BOne B50-525 3085 Investment Co.of FAmerica G& (3.7) 19.6 77.8 388.5 5.75 -421-180 Unttedincome (5.8 20.0 75.3 426.4 R.5 913-2 ...